Security Bulletin – Email Vigilance

Purpose:  Addressing concerns regarding email security in today’s ever changing political landscape

Common Attacks:

  1. Spam – Unsolicited advertising; May contain links to nefarious sites/requests for sensitive data *May contain phishing attacks*
  2. Phishing – Requests for personal/company data
  3. Email Spoofing – Using a trusted sender’s name to create trust

Daily Security Best Practices:

  1. Always use strong passwords and utilize Multi-factor Authentication
  2. Make sure email address matches sender’s name
  3. Don’t open attachments from unknown contacts
  4. Use encrypted email message when sending sensitive data
  5. Never share company data through sender-initiated links
  6. Never leave an unlocked computer unattended

User Personal Responsibility:

Summary: Go with your gut! It’s important all staff continue to exercise Email and Link Clicking Vigilance  if it doesn’t feel right, it’s probably not legit.

**We are here for you – Please reach out if you have security concerns or have any questions – When in doubt don’t interact with suspicious emails/data**


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